Recap of the 420X AMA with Blockchain Space

Bullish Space
6 min readMay 9, 2021


On Saturday, May 8th, we had the pleasure to welcome to our Telegram chat:

Mr P and Nah Fam, members of the 420X Team.

We asked them questions about the development of 420X.


Q~ Thanks for joining us today, please start off by introducing yourselves to our community and your roles in the team?

A~ Hello, 420x started with a team of five people from very different backgrounds , all with very specialised skills. We work extremely well as a cohesive unit creatively and in terms of logical business decisions. Our team consists of a lead developer, Marketing manager, Social media manager and resource gatherer, Web dev and a project manager.

And to add to that, we have an 10K+ members in our community and they are a part and parcel of our functioning. We are proud of the fact that we are not just a coin, we are a lifestyle, a revolution of sorts.

Q~ What is 420X all about in detail, how did you come about the name and what problems inspired you to create 420X?

A~ Well the name definitely comes from us celebrating the 420 culture and caring about cannabis and the benefits around it. We are also very interested in helping out cannabis related charities. In fact, we were launched on the holy day of 04/20 at 04:20 PM UTC.

420x as a project , brand and movement is not limited to only cannabis related events,activities and partnerships. We fully support cannabis related events but can most definitely branch out in to many different areas including the entertainment/media industries, music, fashion and a multitude of different industries and platforms.We have unlimited potential to grow and expand. 420x encompasses the culture as well as meaning many different things eg: you can 420x your investment,we are 420x better than the competition etc.

As for the problems, we know that 420 has always had the shorter end of the stick and is still stigmatised in most places in the world. We want to change that and look at the positives.

Q~ With so much competitors in the Blockchain space, what makes 420X unique amidst other memecoins and how do you plan to keep up and stay ahead of the game in the crypto market?

A~ 420x is unique in the fact that we are not a meme, we have a massive community , huge potential and actual use cases incoming such as a possible DEX and impact charity funding.

The contract is also secure, while some contracts have vulnerabilities we are very confident in the precautions we have taken to protect our holders. We have done both an external audit as well as locking our liquidity. We have passed our audit with flying colors and have nothing that has caught the audit companies attention. We plan on maybe auditing our code from another company as well.

We have also recently been listed on CMC, we are not a meme we are a community token that will be around for a long time.

Cassiterite : Can you share links as regards the audit?

Mr P : Here you go

It was done a day after the launch.

Q~ Can you share with us the $420X token’s utility and discuss its tokenomics?

A~ Our utility : We are currently a community driven token with possible dex and impact charity utility options in the future.The tokenomics are split between 4% liquidity to make sure people can always take money out as well as 4% redistribution to encourage people to hold and make money while they do so.

As far as the utility is concerned, there is so much. Apart from the dex, we are also launching a merch store and are looking at bringing NFTs to ecosystem as well. With the 420 community, sky is the limit.

P.S. We just got listed on Coinmarketcap less than 24 hours ago. So now is the time if you want to get in :)

Here is the link

Q~ What stage on the Roadmap is the project at? and what should we look forward to in the coming months?

A~ We blew through the current roadmap at lightspeed and are currently working on a future plan however a possible DEX as well as high impact charity funding is very possible.

Adding to that, our merch store and our NFTs are already in the works. After coin market cap, coin gecko is coming soon as well.

Right now we are trying to maintain our exponential growth and with that we will have infinite possibilities in the future. As of now the thing we are most proud of is our CMC listing that happened yesterday.


Q~ Before investing in a project, the SECURITY STANDARDS of the project is worth knowing, due to the SCAM and RUGPULL rate

Is the smart contract AUDITED, are we safe from hacking, RUGPULL and like ?

A~ Yes we are audited and our contract is renounced and our liquidity is locked.

Q~ Where can I get your token? and how?


Mr P :

You can swap it here.

Nah Fam : The token is available on pancake swap as well as cointiger.

Q~ What is the progress after joining ‘Coin Market Cap’? if so could you please let us know?

A~ Well we have done 3x since then and still going up. You can see the chart here

Q~ The name of your project is really unique, what does this 420X depicts, how did you come about the name?

A~ Its about celebrating the cannabis culture and giving back to the 420 community.

Q~ To give you full confidence and reinforce the trust of your users in the brand, have you considered any audits the contract of 420X ? if yes, is the audit report available for viewing?

A~ Yes. Audit is done and the link was posted here.

Q~ As a potential investor for 420X token, what do I stand to gain from hodling 420X token and is there any attractive staking or farming program for hodlers in your platform?


Mr P : We have 4% thats distributed to the holders for every transactions and 4% goes to the liquidity pool. So you get rewarded for holding.

Nah Fam : Currently holders get redistributed 4% of all sell and buy orders so you passively gain tokens for holding.

Q~ Can you tell us your motivation for launching a merchandise store? And why bring NFT to your ecosystem! Will it affect your project?

A~ Because we have had a huge demand for 420 merchandise and i think it would help us expand. This applies both to NFTs and merch stores.

Q~ Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted ? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?

A~ One quadrillion tokens were minted , 42% has been burned.The team has a 5% dev wallet we use for marketing and adverising. All liquidity is locked.


Well just to sum up , we have just been listed on CMC so if you could all go and favorite us on there we would appreciate it.

Big things are coming next week with potential listings and exchanges too.

It’s really nice having the 420X project in here!!!

You can check out their Website for more details. You can also follow them on Telegram and Twitter to keep up to date with all things relating to 420X.

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